The Pillbox or sometimes referred to as a Machine gun Nest was built in a position where the gunners had a commanding view of the roadway or countryside in front of them this is why the brick wall that surrounds the moor side was such a natural spot to put one. The photo above is that same wall recently taken by the Google Street View camera car.

The picture above is to give you an idea of what the Pillbox looked like as it was set into that wall. If my memory is correct it was fitted into the wall at a slight oblique bend, this was to give the gunners a little extra scope of view. Not at right angles as the one in the photograph above. These slots are most likely have been filled in, but traces of where they were most likely still exist. I would be very interested if someone actually finds the spot where they were. Please pass the information on to either Pam Knight or Liz Kwantes so it can be logged.
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