Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Church Rood Screen.

The Rood Screen.
The second weekend in October in Canada is always known as "Thanksgiving." This got me casting my mind back to when Holy Trinity in Cookham use to have a beautiful hand carved oak Rood Screen, which had been in the church for a good many years.

At Harvest Festival the church was always  well decorated with garden produce and also baked goods, especially loaves of bread. All of which on the Monday was collected and given to the local hospitals in Maidenhead.

Local farmers would supply the traditional sheaves of wheat, oats and barley, which would be placed along the Rood Screen, the Font and either side of the Church Porch.

Again it was one of the reasons that included the recipe at this time for The English Cottage Loaf is included. There was always a very large one that sat pride of place on the Alter.

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