Cookham Cottagers Horticultural and
Industrial Society.
My researching and
memories have taken me back this time to way over a hundred years and the
founding of The Cookham Cottagers Horticultural and Industrial Society. The
Industrial part in the title goes back to when Boot and Shoe making was a
thriving industry in the village.
Over the years it has
gradually changed as the Industrial part faded away together with the
Horticultural and Farming aspects which branched away on their own. This left
just the professional and cottage gardeners who would compete in what became to
be known as The Cookham Flower Show.
For many years this
show was held under the benevolent auspices of Colonel Ricardo, on a field
which is now part of The Odney Club, just off Mill Lane.
Here it remained until
the beginning of the Second World War. After which it was moved to Dean Meadow.
In the 1930’s I
remember there was very keen competition in the various classes. There was I
remember a Professional Gardeners class. One for Cottage and Allotment Holders,
who, not only entered their produce, but also entered their gardens and
allotments to be judged. The ladies of course entered in the flower arranging
and baking skill contests. The school children were not left out as there were
classes for wild grasses, wild flowers, all of which had to be arranged and
named as well.
To top it off there was
the fairground with all the roundabouts and swings. Plus of course Horace
Spencer who would entertain the crowd with his card tricks and magic.