Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Pinder Hall.

The Pinder Hall.
A great deal has already been written about this magnificient hall and it various uses during its 74 years since it was built and opened for village use.
There is one thing that I know has not been recorded and that is the first time that the stage was used for a concert or play, was when the Holy Trinity School put on a concert in November 1936. That is when I first trod the boards in a musical play of "Hey Diddle Diddle."
I will be telling you more about it and the main play of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." I my next posting, when I have finished off my research from records.
I can tell you this that the seating for the audience was made up of folding wood and canvas chairs with arm rests. Each row was numbered with an alphabet and stuck to the back was a large draw ticket number.
We gave three performances to a packed house on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I have no record of the date except it was in November 1936.

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