Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Wall's 3d Choc Ice.

The Wall's 3d Choc Ice.
I am now going back to the 1930’s in the summer when people came out from London by train to spend a weekend in a camping punt, rented from Mr. Turk, or just for the day to have a picnic by the Odney Pool. It was here that “Old Joe.” We never knew his last name would pedal his Wall’s Ice cream tricycle. There were three ice cream favourites of the children: First the long triangle shaped Fruit Lolly for 1d. The 2d wafer brick went down well with every one, and to top it off if you were lucky you could have the 3d Choc Ice all wrapped up in silver paper. Then when he was on his way back to Maidenhead one could hear the clanging of his tricycle bell and we would run up to the road and buy a 9d block of ice cream to have with strawberries for our Sunday tea. He also made sure to pack it well with dry ice so it would keep cold till we were ready to have it with our strawberries

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