Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mrs. Armstrong, Founder of Herries School.

Mrs. Armstrong, Founder.

Entwined with the start of Herries Preparatory School by Mrs. Armstrong at Mayfield in Cookham Dean are also the ghosts of childrens favourite characters of Mole, Rat, and Badger and of course that flamboyant character of Toad, who lived in Toad Hall. All of which were wrapped up in Kenneth Grahame's book, "The Wind in the Willows."

At first she rented Mayfield and with the help of Eva Schiff and Bay Robinson soon had a very thriving Preparatory School under way.

If you were a student at the school fifty years you may be able to find yourself in the crowd taking part at the Prize Giving and Sports Day. Thanks to photographs provided by Dennis Adams of Carmonta Grocers Stores.

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